“This is love: not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins.” (1 John 4:10)
Another Valentine’s Day has come and gone; a day that brings roses, candy, jewelry, cards and words that speak of our undying affection for another. But do we truly know what love is? Love is sacrificial. Love is selfless. Love is shown, not merely spoken.
Jesus is the one true example of what love is. It has nothing to do with our love for God, because until He made Himself known to us we were unable to love Him. It was because He first loved us; that’s the reason we should love God. His own Son Jesus Christ gave Himself up for us. His sacrifice on the cross bridged the gap between creature and Creator that sin had caused. That’s love in action.
To reveal our love for someone we must DO something. Sitting still and speaking words sounds empty when they are never followed up with loving actions. Reflect on who God is. Then reflect on who He is to you. Then reflect on Jesus and all He did on this earth prior to His death. Then reflect on His death. That, my friends, is love. Anything short of living, breathing, selfless, sacrificial love is nothing more than words. Until next time, walk with the King and be a blessing!