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Thursday, December 11, 2014


“Therefore the Lord himself will give you a sign: The virgin will conceive and give birth to a son, and will call him Immanuel.”  Isaiah 7:14
         The current statistics for unwed mothers is pretty staggering.  According to the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC), 40.7% of all children born in America were born to a single parent1.  Once stigmatic, it has become commonplace.  Back in Biblical times women who were found to be pregnant while single were stoned to death.  This was the law that Mary and Joseph had to concern themselves with prior to their union. 
         An angel of the Lord came to Joseph in a dream and recited this verse from the prophet Isaiah.  Joseph was thinking of quietly sending Mary away so as not to bring her disgrace, but the Lord, Who knows the minds and hearts of all men, spoke to Joseph in a dream to let him know that what had taken place was done by no mortal man (Matthew 1:17-24).  There was no disgrace, his betrothed would give birth to the Son of Almighty God.  The name the child was to be given was significant.  Immanuel was clear evidence of just who this child would be … GOD WITH US.  As if that weren’t enough, Joseph was told that he would be called Jesus for He would save His people from their sins.  What marvelous news!  
         God entered into history to save man from himself.  Without God’s intervention there would be no hope for man.  He would die in his sins and be cast into a lake of fire for all eternity, just as his actions deserved.  But God is merciful, slow to anger, abounding in love and mercy.  Scripture is clear that 1) hell was created for the devil and all the angels who rebelled against God with him (Matthew 25:41); 2) it is not God’s desire that any man, woman or child in His creation should go there (2 Peter 3:9).  The Lord in all His mercy has provided a way of escape from the fiery future that awaits Satan and his minions. That way of escape rests in the blood of Christ.  Receive God’s gift of grace and truly live.
       If you don’t know Christ in a personal way, come to know Him.  He’s your only hope for eternity.  If you do know Him, embrace Him, immerse yourself in Him.  Get to know Him as much as He can be known and live your life seeking to be more like Him each day.  Until next time, walk with the King and be a blessing! 

1 Number of live births to unmarried women: 1,609,619.  Birth rate for unmarried women: 45.3 births per 1,000 unmarried women aged 15-44 years. Percent of all births to unmarried women: 40.7% (source: CDC @