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Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Thoughts From a Random Mind

“It’s not easy to outrun your demons … “[1]
            This message is for those who think they have their life all together. It’s for the backslidden believer who has gotten entangled in the darkness once again. It’s for the quasi-believer who says they believe in God, but doesn’t feel the need to incorporate him into any part of their life. It’s for the atheist who thinks he understands all that he needs to understand and sees an unseen spirit deity as unreal and therefore an unnecessary ingredient to his life. No matter who you are you have secrets. Lies you’ve told, things you’ve either done or left undone. An unspoken past that you swept under the rug a long time ago. I’m here to tell you, you can never outrun your past. You cannot outrun your demons. They will dog you, they will overrun you and they will make you pay for your past mistakes. Those are called ‘sins’ and you cannot outrun them. One day payment will be expected and you won’t have what you need to make it.
            Christ willingly went to the cross and shed his blood to make that payment for you. Scripture says “But if you reject me, I will tell my Father in heaven that you don’t belong to me.”[Matthew 10:33; Common English Version]Have you rejected Christ? Do you feel the need of proof? Faith requires no proof. Facts can be fudged. Man’s word means very little. God’s word is truth. Because we don’t understand it doesn’t make it false or questionable. If you turn your life over to God for restoration you will live under his umbrella of grace and because of his grace you shall no longer be defined by past mistakes. Think on these things … rlkeller

I leave you with two quotes … 
“If we all die and there is no God, then it’s just eternal unconsciousness, you’ll never know, but if you’re wrong … you’ll know forever.”– Brad Stine

“I would rather live my life as if there is a God and die to find out there isn't, than live as if there isn't and to die to find out that there is.”- Albert Camus

[1]Chicago P.D.; Season 5, Episode 19; April 11, 2018; final scene.

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