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Stop by and check them out from time to time to see what has changed. May God's blessings to you be abundant. rlkeller


Monday, April 30, 2018

Thoughts From a Random Mind

         This world offers so much promise for each individual. It offers material possessions galore, temporal though they may be. Man doesn’t think about the temporal nature of things, nor does he consider whether the item(s) in question are really necessary. If you want it you will find a way to get it. The enemy dangles shiny baubles in front of us to entice us to make a grab for it. People go into severe, often insurmountable debt in their quest to find happiness and true lasting satisfaction. The fact that is found to be so elusive should be no surprise. Worldly enticements are a mirage at best. As Solomon states in Ecclesiastes, they are “a chasing after the wind”. The wind is totally unpredictable. It cannot be seen or caught. Everything this world has to offer is exactly like the wind. Just when you think you’ve gotten ahold of it it’s gone. 
           Christianity is largely misunderstood by non-believers and in a lot of ways it’s our own fault. Many insist on taking on the responsibility of judge when only God is the judge of all things. Our mission and responsibility as a follower of Christ is to imitate him as his representatives in this world. Our rigidity when dealing with those outside the faith sends the wrong message. We are to let them see the love and mercy of God thru our words and actions and we should lead with actions. As the saying goes, we need to “walk the talk”. That’s because too many of us say one thing and do another in “do as I say, not as I do” fashion. That sends a very confusing message to the outside world. In the end many come to the conclusion that Christians are no different then they are.
             Our message needs to be truthful and honest. We must be real. Non-believers can sense a phony and that disengages them from listening. We have the answer to the one question they are unable to sort out on their own, but we are blowing it. Meet them where they are and don’t pass judgment. What would we have done if Christ had treated us the way we treat others? The most important request you can make of God on your own behalf is to ask him for the ability to see others the way he sees them. It will revolutionize your faith walk. Until next time, walk with the King and be a blessing! rlkeller

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