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Stop by and check them out from time to time to see what has changed. May God's blessings to you be abundant. rlkeller


Friday, April 27, 2018

Thoughts From a Random Mind

            I believe far too many people are willing to accept Jesus Christ as their Savior, but not their Lord.  Such a big deal is made of having your sins forgiven, and it isa very big deal, but the whole concept of submitting to his Lordship gets lost in the salvation frenzy. Don’t get me wrong, salvation must be the initial step taken toward true godly living, but it shouldn’t stop there. Your transformation isn’t complete. Just as Sanctification is progressive, so is our maturation into total submission. There’s a learning curve as we feed our spirit man and grow in the things of God. We reach plateaus in our growth and level off. At times we cool off, feeling we need a break from spiritual things. We must fight our way thru those times so we don’t fall back into sin. 
             We think we are in full control of our own lives but our decisions throughout our life belie the fact that we are not at all in control and continuously make poor choices based on our feelings and outside influences. The reason it’s important to allow Christ to be the Lord of our life is because he knows us far better than we could ever know ourselves [Romans 8:27a]. Scripture tells us he always knows what our needs are and when they need to be met. We tend to rush blindly into situations, but since time means nothing to God he takes all the time needed to give us the very best.  The wait can be excruciating from our perspective, but that is where are faith and trust need to shine. Yes, it means surrendering your will to him, but it’s a voluntary submission. The Lord seeks willing followers, not followers who feel obligated to serve him. It’s just another choice out of the millions of choices we make in our life. 
           In submitting to God you won’t lose your identity, but rather, your identity will be enhanced. As you grow you will begin to think, speak and act more like Christ. This is a sign of maturity and understanding that will allow you to become a dynamic force for Christ in your own microcosm of this world. Until next time, walk with the King and be a blessing!rlkeller 

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