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Stop by and check them out from time to time to see what has changed. May God's blessings to you be abundant. rlkeller


Thursday, October 23, 2014


“Each one should test their own actions. Then they can take pride in themselves alone, without comparing themselves to someone else, …”   Galatians 6:4
         How do we know if we are doing right or wrong?  What standard are we using to make that judgment?  Too many people compare themselves to their neighbor, their classmate or their co-worker to determine how they are doing as a person.  They admit they aren’t perfect, but are certainly better than this person or that person.  I believe all created beings can be guilty of this.   We want to believe the best about ourselves so we find people we are decided worse than we are in character and behavior and quickly point out how much better we are then those individuals.  But how can we say that when we know nothing about their personal lives and the struggles they may be going through?  To compare ourselves to another created being is wrong thinking.  God won’t be stacking your behavior up against Joe Bag-a-donuts down the street on the last day. He will look upon your behavior as it lines up with the standard He has laid out in His word.
         The pride spoken of isn’t the haughty, arrogant type, but rather having a healthy pride in your godly accomplishments.  Having personal pride in yourself while keeping a humble spirit is a good thing and a characteristic that believers should seek.  Look at your own actions.  How do they line up with the word of God?  Don’t concern yourself with what others say about you.  We are to please God in all we think, say and do, not man.
         We all want to be liked by others. We all also have the tendency to want to fit in with our surroundings.  It’s our human nature to be like that.  God is asking you to stand apart from the crowd even while you are in the midst of it. We are the same in many aspects, yet are very different at the same time, therefore, be light where you are and compare yourself to no one but God. Until next time, walk with the King and be a blessing!