Paul’s letter was to both Jewish and Gentile believers. While they may have had slight differences of opinion on less crucial issues, Paul was advising the recipients of this correspondence to accept and not reject one another, just as Christ had freely accepted them.
Today, many of us have the tendency to compare our walk with another’s as a means of feeling good about our relationship with Christ. We may differ in the minutia of our beliefs; however, this is no reason to think less of a brother or sister in Christ, for Christ didn’t look upon us in this manner. He lovingly accepted us with all our faults and foibles. Why do we not do the same with our brethren? The mere fact that there are so many denominations with various different nuances of belief shouts out that we do not accept those who don't believe as we do. See others through the eyes of Jesus and put aside our own prejudices. Until next time … walk with the King and be a blessing!