For those who have reverence and respect for Almighty God, He shall have compassion. Reverence and respect should lead to obedience. We are not required to obey God, but rather, are to be compelled to by what He has done for us. No one or nothing else can provide the cleansing God can provide through the blood of His Son, Jesus Christ. If we have made a genuine commitment to God, forgiveness is received and a compulsion begins to build in our soul. That compulsion is to be the driving force that causes us to read scripture, attend church, testify of His goodness, pray and give an accounting of the reason for the joy you now have in your heart. It means no longer living for yourself; you are listening intently to God’s Holy Spirit regarding how to be Christ to those around you and see the world as God sees it. God knows from whence we come and while He doesn’t excuse our disobedience, understands us intimately and will patiently guide us through this life if we let Him. Until next time … walk with the King and be a blessing!