I believe there is a general will and a personal will for each believer. Let me explain. The general will of God for His followers is to love one another or fulfill the Great Commission, etc. God has a will for each of us as individuals as well. For me I believe it is to utilize the gift He has given me to write for His glory and speak publically for the sake of the kingdom. When Paul tells the Romans not to follow the actions of the world, he is saying not to think like them, speak like them, act or react like them. Our minds become renewed when we immerse ourselves in the things of God. James 4:8 tells us that if we draw near to God He will draw near to us. It should be an intimate, personal relationship that we seek with our God. Then we will know what His personal will is for our lives. God wants to use us to promote the kingdom. He doesn’t need us, but rather chooses to use us. Draw near to the Lord starting today. Use the gifts He has given you and be a blessing to all you encounter. Until next time … walk with the King today and be a blessing!