Guilt - the fact or state of having done something wrong or committed a crime.
Condemnation - to declare to be reprehensible (deserving of), wrong, or evil usually after weighing evidence and without reservation.
The Mosaic Law was put in place to pronounce the guilt of sin; God alone condemns sin. The Law identifies it, the Lord declares it evil. Christ came as sinful man to overcome the condemnation brought on by sin. Sin cannot and will not abide with God (Revelation 21:27). It was imperative that Christ came to eradicate all sin. For those who have accepted what Christ did on the cross, there is no longer any condemnation. All who have surrendered their will to the One true God of all Creation are set free from the shackles sin had placed on them. No longer should you fear death, for you have already died once … to self. You shall never die again. Your earthly tent of a body will perish, but your soul and spirit will live on with your Heavenly Father for all of eternity.
Those who do not take seriously the warning that scripture gives will end up on the outside looking in and that is putting it mildly. Man stands condemned by his own actions. In the case of his rejection of Christ, his condemnation would come by his own inaction. Their inaction has pronounced their death sentence, for those who reject the gift of salvation will experience the second death, the result of which is the Lake of Fire. It doesn’t have to be that way. God has provided ample time and opportunity for all men to receive the indescribable and gracious gift of forgiveness. Imagine having all your misdeeds, errors in judgment and dumb mistakes that fall under the category of sin completely wiped clean, like an eraser wipes a white board clean. The sin isn’t covered over as in Old Testament times, but rather wiped away and thrown into the sea of forgetfulness, never to be held against you again. To forget your sins would constitute a flaw in God’s character. No, He chooses not to hold it against you ever again as if it never happened in the first place.
Our responsibility as believers is to live our lives as if we truly believed in this God who died for us. We must allow Him to alter our behavior from the inside out by His Holy Spirit. Only then will the world see what God is really like.