James admonishes the “twelve tribes scattered abroad” to be eager to listen to those who are of God and think twice before they open their mouths. Man learns nothing by speaking. It’s only in listening that he acquires knowledge. Who or what he listens to also determines what knowledge is acquired. James tells the churches to be slow to bring retribution against another as well. There is a reason God says in Romans 12:19 that vengeance belongs to Him alone. We are unable to administer retribution without emotion. Our vengeance is mostly of a personal nature based on things that have been said or done to us or our loved ones. God takes emotion out of the equation, thus being able to administer fair and righteous judgment every time. Be quick to listen, slow to speak and leave retribution to the Lord. By doing so you shall learn those things God wishes you to know to better serve Him. Until next time … walk with the King and be a blessing!