Paul’s dogged determination to complete the task set before him by the Holy Spirit should serve as an example to us all. Paul was at risk of being thrown in jail for preaching the gospel. While those conditions may exist elsewhere in the world today, they don't in America. We have it easy by comparison. Is it possible that we have become complacent?
What matters most to us in this life? Living our lives in service to our Lord is an honor and a privilege. We are, in fact, His representatives wherever we go. We must feed our spirit man and listen to the instruction of God if we are to be successful in serving Him effectively. We can each make a difference to those around us if we will go about each day prepared to emulate Christ in all we say and do. If our testimony is consistent and genuine, people will notice and lives will be changed. Submit to God and move out in His name. Until next time … walk with the King and be a blessing!