Simply put, God’s ways are unknowable; we cannot understand them. God is not indebted to us, for we have never given Him anything. We have done nothing, nor could we ever do anything that would impress God for He is creator of all things. All things that exist come from His hand for His own purposes. God does as He pleases with the permission of no one, for there is no one that He need report to. He is our supreme, righteous and Almighty God. This is the same God that loves us unconditionally, has us under His umbrella of grace and will never, ever let us down. Although we cannot know His mind, we can know that God will only do to us and for us that which will benefit us and bring Him glory. God is not a tyrant who demands our servitude, but rather a loving, compassion, merciful God who desires our allegiance. It should be our compulsion to serve Him without reservation. Until next time … walk with the King and be a blessing!