Ever wonder where you came from? According to the Bible you were created in your mother’s womb by God. You can choose to accept that and believe it or not, but the above scripture makes it clear that the God of all creation, included you in His plans. If we look closely at our bodies, we can see signs that we have been “fearfully and wonderfully made”. Just the working of our fingers is a marvel to behold. God is ever-present and willing to infuse us with the power necessary to live this life for Him. Living life for ourselves is a lonely road that leads us nowhere. Living life for the One true God is the essence of fulfillment. Why were we put here? If God created us, then God has a reason and plan He wants to work out in our lives. He wants us to live for Him alone for God knows that is where our greatest blessings lie. Embrace the love God has for you and live for Him each day of your life. Until next time … Walk with the King today and be a blessing!