“Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised.” (Proverbs 31:30)
A woman can have beauty within that far outshines any physical beauty she may have. Spiritual beauty, which comes from knowing the Lord, can enhance the appearance of even the most seemingly commonplace physical attributes. It comes from their core and radiates outward.
Fearing the Lord is to be in awe of Him rather than afraid. Respecting God for who He is brings about a certain level of obedience that causes that person to appear different than those around them. In a world where a nip here and a tuck there seem to be the order of the day, growing older gracefully should be far more desirable. It reveals what is important to a person. Focusing on the Lord and what is important to Him will cause our countenance to shine like the sun and no plastic surgeon can replicate that. Until next time … Walk with the King and be a blessing!