David was sent on a mission by King Saul. He feared for his life by the hand of Saul and while on his mission fled to Gath. Now David had killed Goliath, the champion of Gath, so he feared having to stand before their king, Achish. He feigned insanity so as to escape the clutches of the Philistines. (1 Samuel 21:1-22:1a)
In the first two verses of the 56th Psalm David voices his complaint to God, yet his complaint quickly turns to confidence in the above verses. We would be wise to consider David’s circumstances in relation to our own, for we find ourselves in undesirable circumstances far too often by our own hand. We must accept and understand that if we have drawn close to our God, He is drawn close to us and there is nothing mere mortals can ever do to us that God has not allowed for our ultimate good. Our faith must give birth to full trust and reliance on God, for it is only then that we will shed our fear and walk boldly in the name of the Lord. Until next time … walk with the King and be a blessing!